“The first step in community organization is community disorganization. The disruption of the present organization is the first step toward community organization. Present arrangements must be disorganized if they are to be displace by new patterns…. All change means disorganization of the old and organization of the new.” -Saul Alinsky

The social engineer masquerading as the President of the United States is at it again. With a bold, and perhaps tactically wise, move he has decided to push ahead with his socialist program to distribute his ideological perception of “fairness” as part of his ongoing attempt to “fundamentally transform America.”



Two stories coming out in the same day show the growing danger of the influence of Islam within our own foolishly tolerant society. There are two dead soldiers today. Dead because there is no way to tell the difference between a radical jihadist and a so called “moderate” Muslim. Worse, however, is news that Islam’s influence has reached within the walls of the Pentagon itself. Thus guaranteeing Islam will become a greater influence within the ranks of our own military. Still think Sharia Law can’t happen here?



Much is being made of the recently released Iraq study group findings here in America. This is a blue ribbon panel of mostly ex-statesmen of extremely high repute. Their words portray a bleak assessment of Iraq, describing the situation as “grave” and “deteriorating.” It is easy to not see the silver lining in the clouds, especially while it looks like its raining and the rain will never stop. The words “grave” and “deteriorating” could easily describe many situations in the history of our country. Washington’s winter predicament at Valley Forge, the cause of Texas freedom after the battle of the Alamo, the Union of the United states after Lee routed the Army of the Potomac at Chancellorsville and, since this is the 65th anniversary of the Pearl harbor attack, the period from Dec 7, 1941 to the June 1942 battle at Midway, all these were “grave” and “deteriorating” situations that our country has faced. In every instance, and so many more, this was also a time when the American spirit of independence, perserverance and resourcefulness rose to the occasion and led to some of the greatest moments in American history. Which is to say, some of the greatest moments in the history of the world. It is an unfortunate reality that the media is not looking for that certain triumph that is necessarily born out of “grave” and “deteriorating” situations, but instead wishes to assist the enemies of freedom throughout the world by trying to convince the American people that the hand of certain, inevitable doom is upon us and we are bound to fail. Worse, the media often try to portray America as deserving to fail. But failure is not an American concept.
